Thursday, August 25, 2011

Counting Calories

So you started to count calories, but are still not losing weight. What's wrong? Well, are you calculating the calories correctly?

Here is an example of a mistake that can cost you:

Marinated turkey tenderloin raw - 110 calories for one 4oz serving size - and a total weight of 1.5 lbs

To calculate the proper cooked calories, do the following:

1.5 lbs x 16 oz = 24 oz total weight

110 calories (1 serving) / 4 oz = 27.5 calories per raw ounce

27.5 cal/oz x 24 oz = 660 total calories

Now you have to weigh the cooked tenderloin and calculate the cooked calories/ounce:

Cook tenderloin total weight = 19 ounces

660 total calories / 19 ounces cooked weight = 34.73 calories/cooked ounce

Now, when you weigh out your portion of 4 ounces, the calories for one serving is calculated as 138.9 calories. A difference of 29 calories from the raw weight. It doesn't seem like much, until you eat more than 4 oz, and make a raw vs. cooked calculation error 3 meals a day for one week - it can really add up !

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