Sunday, May 30, 2010

Recipe: Tortilla Casserole

2 - 7oz cans mild Chili's (I like the roasted ones) (160cal)
14.5 oz can chopped tomatoes (87.5cal)
15oz can white beans (385cal)
1/2 C cheese or to total calories (240cal)
16oz lean ground beef (560cal)
3oz tortilla chips - make into crumbs (420cal)
5oz onions (45cal)
Spices: garlic powder, cilantro, cumin, coriander, oregano, s&p

Cook beef, onions and spices to taste. Add beans, chili's, tomatoes - cook briefly. Remove 1/2 of mixture from the pan - spread rest in pan evenly. Sprinkle tortilla chip crumbs evenly in the pan. Sprinkle removed mixture back on top, evenly. Place cheese on top. Put a lid on, and cook on low until all moisture is gone, and the cheese is melted.

Serves 4 (475cal)

Top with sour cream and salsa

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