Monday, December 17, 2007

Invisible Friends

I purchased a new waffle maker Sunday. All excited to have waffles for dinner, I went searching for the extra bag of flour (the rest was used up making pumpkin bread). What I discovered under the cabinet, was flour everywhere and a large hole in the bag.

At this point I realized my cat's 2 year long relationship with her imaginary friends, (where she would sit for hours with her head in the corner of the kitchen), were not so imaginary any more.

I quickly emptied the cupboard to see a bag of shelled peanuts, and flour everywhere.

A quick call to my husband, and we were set up with mouse traps before the evening was over. In the morning, the cat's invisible friends were thrown in the trash.

The next day I came home from work, and realized.......the invisible friends had MOVED!, to the living room book shelves -- at least that's what my cat says.

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